Changes in Exit Option

Students who wish to change their exit option or track may do so, subject to limitations. The Graduate School allows M.S. students to change between Thesis and non­-Thesis options (and vice versa) no more than one time. The

Thesis Option Change Request form

is required for this change.

Changing from Thesis to non-­Thesis also requires a decision about whether to remain in the Research Track and complete a Project & Report, or switch to the Industry Track and graduate with an exit examination.

Changes within the non-Thesis option do not require special approval from the Graduate School, but must still be approved by the student’s advisory committee and the BC Graduate Chair. This choice requires significant changes in the courses that must be taken to complete the degree. For example, students may change between Research and Industry Tracks, but must meet all course requirements for their new track as specified in the required course list. Track­specific courses (CNST 5084 and CNST 5124) are generally offered only once per year, so a student may need to wait an entire year or obtain special permission to substitute another course in order to meet these requirements.

Students considering a change to their exit option should meet with the BC Graduate Chair as soon as possible to discuss the implications for their degree completion plan. Students who are uncertain about which track is right for them may be able to choose a plan of study that minimizes risk if changes are made later. For instance, required courses for the Industry Track (CNST 5124: Construction Company Management and Business Elective) may be taken as electives by students in the Research Track, and required Research Track courses (e.g., CNST 5084: Methods in Construction Research) may be taken as electives in the Industry Track.